Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Lustres (Люстры): Chandeliers

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No Girandole No Candles Guilded Only Lustres (Chandeliers) p. 146
Lustres (Люстры) or Chandeliers. Four such lustres existed at Ostankino. Three of these lustres appeared on the stage (these were NOT like the main chandelier that could be drawn towards the ceiling, used like a primitive spot-light). These three lustres had candles and guilding (as seen), but no crystal girandole. The fourth lustre didn't use candles, just the reflective power of the guilding. This fourth lustre was used above the vauxhall (dance hall) theatre parterre. 1

1 Petuhova, Irina and Efremova, Irina; "Osvetitelnye pribory. Kollektsiya Muzeya-usadby Ostankino (podarochnoe izdanie)", 2005, p. 146


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